Bone Density and BMI Testing


Bone Density and BMI Testing

Imaging Specialists provides even more cutting-edge technology that will help arm patients with information needed to assess their overall health: Pro-Bone Density and Body Mass Indexing tests. These tests can aid in chronic disease assessment, cardio-metabolic health assessment as well as weight management and wellness.

The GE Prodigy Pro Bone Densitometer provides rapid, excellent bone density testing and includes advanced hip analysis and vertebral assessment. Housed in the Women’s Imaging area, this test detects bone loss in its earliest stages and is the most effective way to diagnose and monitor osteoporosis. It is the most accurate in assessing fracture risk or treatment needs.

Imaging Specialists also offers Body Composition Analysis or BMI testing. In less than 5 minutes, this non-invasive scan provides patients with body composition by distinguishing fat and lean mass and detects metabolic changes. This detailed body composition testing can focus on specific body parts, including arms, legs and abdomen. BMI testing aids metabolic health and provides detailed information that can help patients make therapeutic decisions. This advanced BMI testing will cost $55.

Yearly testing for bone density and BMI will detect changes in the body and overall health. Imaging Specialists is a free-standing, locally owned imaging facility in the greater Charleston area. Schedule your appointment online today!


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